These days, bottled water is everywhere. It’s one of our most common accessories when heading out the door to work, sending the kids to school, packing for a sporting event, or gearing up for outdoor activities. And we all know that staying hydrated becomes even more important this time of… Read More…
Nail biting is a bad habit that often begins early in life as a response to stress or boredom, or sometimes as a subconscious reaction to nervousness. While the habit tends to fade as we get older, it’s estimated that about 30% of people continue to gnaw on their nails… Read More…
The process of measuring gum pockets, also known as periodontal charting, is pretty simple and should be painless as long as there is no infection. At our dental office in McMinnville, when we do a periodontal charting, you’ll hear us call out several numbers as we gently poke along the… Read More…
Using tobacco products of any kind can not only have a detrimental effect on your overall health, there are multiple oral health diseases and problems that can also occur from the habit. Smokeless tobacco, also referred to as dip, chew, spit, or snuff, is no exception. During this Oral Cancer… Read More…
Frenectomies aren’t all that common in adults, but there are specific instances when the team at our McMinnville dental office may recommend one to an adult patient. But why exactly would a frenectomy be needed, and what is it? We’re here to talk all about frenectomies and the benefits behind… Read More…
Wisdom teeth are often first seen on x-rays conducted during regular appointments at our McMinnville dental office. Most often, we can see them as they’re beginning to erupt through the gums. It’s also when we’re most likely to recommend that they be removed. In fact, about 90% of Americans get… Read More…
Having sensitive teeth can be brutal. The sharp, shooting pain that often accompanies tooth sensitivity can put a damper on enjoying favorite foods. At our dental office in McMinnville, we don’t want any of our patients to suffer from sensitive teeth, but we understand that a lot of them do…. Read More…
You know the feeling. You’re happily chewing away on your lunch, talking with a coworker when all of a sudden, you hear a crunch. You feel the pain. You realize you’ve just bit your cheek (or lip, or tongue — doesn’t really matter, it all hurts!). This painful accident can… Read More…
Sugar is every dentist’s worst enemy. It negatively affects oral health and puts teeth at increased risk for decay, cavities, and can lead to more serious dental and overall health problems. At our dental office in McMinnville, we care about our patients’ smiles and well being, which why we’re strong… Read More…
Over the years, I’ve treated numerous patients with diabetes at my McMinnville dental office. We always want every patient to make sure they’re taking great care of their teeth, but it’s important for folks with diabetes to be even more vigilant about maintaining their oral health care routines. Why? Unfortunately,… Read More…
At my McMinnville dental office, we take gum (or periodontal) health seriously. Gum disease is avoidable, but can lead to bigger problems if left untreated. This month is National Alzheimer’s Disease and Awareness Month, and we want to remind patients who may be in charge of caring for aging loved… Read More…
We’ve all been told about the importance of oral health from the day we were old enough to pick up a toothbrush. But when you have something you have to do every single day (seriously, every day is a lot!) it’s easy to get complacent and rush through the necessities…. Read More…
While it’s typically recommended that everyone has a preventive dental care appointment and dental cleaning at least twice a year, men are less likely to visit their McMinnville dentist regularly than women. Many men skip these important check ups and rather only schedule an appointment once they have a problem…. Read More…
Regular visits to my McMinnville dental office are crucial to maintaining a healthy, happy smile. We can catch problems early, we can talk about your smile goals and treatments to get you the ultimate grin, and it’s always nice to see you. But your visits can also tell us a… Read More…
Each June the American Headache & Migraine Association (AHMA) observes Migraine & Headache Awareness Month to bring knowledge and understanding about these disorders that plague nearly one out of eight Americans. So what’s this have to do with my McMinnville dental office? More than you may think. What’s the Difference… Read More…