We’ve all experienced that familiar and uncomfortable sensation of a sudden sharp pain when you accidentally bite down on the inside of your cheek. It’s an annoyance we often dismiss as a mere accident, but if you find yourself frequently biting your cheeks, there might be more to it than… Read More…
Did you know that you can find headache relief from an unexpected source – your dentist? While it may seem unusual to seek dental care for headaches or migraines, the connection between dental health and headaches is more significant than you might imagine. If you’ve been experiencing persistent headaches and… Read More…
Cavities are the most common dental problem among both children and adults. But why are some individuals more prone to cavities while others seem to have naturally strong teeth and fewer dental issues? The truth is there are multiple reasons why you may get more cavities than someone else. Luckily,… Read More…
As we age, it becomes increasingly important to prioritize both our overall health and oral health. Good oral care for seniors not only helps maintain a healthy smile but also contributes to overall well-being. Aging can bring about unique oral health challenges, including gum disease, tooth loss, dry mouth, and… Read More…
Did you know that your oral health can have a significant impact on your heart health? Several studies have shown a link between poor oral health and heart disease, making it essential to maintain good oral hygiene habits. With this in mind, your dentist in McMinnville wants to help you understand… Read More…
Times have changed from the days in the 80s when people would lay out in the sun for hours, oftentimes without sunscreen. We’ve learned a lot since then. So much so that it sparked an entire national awareness campaign around the importance of sun protection. National Sunscreen Day, celebrated every… Read More…
Perhaps the only bad thing about springtime is the allergies that often tend to go with it. Despite all the beauty that spring has to offer, it can also cause the body to respond to new allergens in the environment. This can cause us to feel itchy, stuffed up, and… Read More…
Many different things can cause tooth pain, from a cavity to an abscess and anything in between. It’s always wise to see your dentist in McMinnville if you’re experiencing pain as it’s typically a sign that something is going on inside your mouth that should be checked out. But one… Read More…
Modern-day life has many of us feeling more stressed than ever. While certain levels of stress can benefit us in the short run, too much stress over too much time can negatively impact health and overall well-being. And, as your dentist in McMinnville knows, our oral health isn’t immune to… Read More…
World Oral Health Day is an annual event that’s celebrated worldwide on March 20th. This day is coordinated by the FDI World Dental Federation, a top organization representing over 1 million dentists across the globe, and has the goal of promoting awareness of how oral health impacts overall health. This… Read More…
Gum disease may seem like a condition that only affects oral health and should only be a concern for your dentist in McMinnville. But the truth is, gum disease can impact several other areas of the body. In fact, the whole-body complications associated with gum disease, including heart disease, have… Read More…
We always recommend that patients visit their dentist at least twice a year for checkups, dental cleanings, and routine dental x-rays. These appointments help keep a close eye on your oral health and protect teeth against disease. But we do understand that coming to the dentist can sometimes cause anxiety,… Read More…
Children’s Dental Health Month has been a staple in dental and other healthcare providers’ offices since the American Dental Association (ADA) sponsored and nationalized the event back in 1949. This now month-long celebration in February strives to bring awareness to the importance of early and regular dental care for kids…. Read More…
Cavities are incredibly common. In fact, nearly every American will have at least one cavity in their lifetime. Cavities, also known as tooth decay, can happen for any number of reasons including poor dental hygiene, frequent snacking, and having a diet full of food or drinks that are packed with… Read More…
If you find yourself hiding your smile behind your hand when you laugh or not smiling fully in pictures because you don’t like the way your teeth look, you’re not alone. In fact, more than half of Americans aren’t happy with their smiles. Cosmetic dentistry from your dentist in McMinnville… Read More…